If you can't find the answers to your questions in the webmaster faq please feel free to send an email to or register and post on our forum at
When do I get paid?
Members of the per sign-up program will be paid out twice a month on the 1st and 16th (or the following business day if the 1st or 16th fall on a weekend or holiday) and will receive their commission checks from N.W. Corp.

Payouts are issued 11 business days after the end of the pay period.
How do I get paid?
If you have not made other arrangements with us you will be paid by cheque via ordinary mail. Checks come from N.W. Corp.

If wish to be paid via epassporte please email epass@nichewealth.com

Please include your account ID. Also your password if you don't email from the account we have on file.

If you are earning more than $1000 per pay period, you can contact webmaster support to arrange an alternate method.
Is there a minimum payout?
The minimum payout is $50.00. If in any period you earn less than $50.00, your earnings will accrue until your total reaches $50.00.
What sales do I get paid for?
You will get credit for all sales generated by your traffic. This includes sales on entrance popup or exit consoles.
How can I earn more money per sign up?
Higher pay outs are reserved for webmasters that can send a good amount of quality traffic. If you can send more than 100 sign ups per period, contact webmaster support to see about receiving a higher payout.
I lost my linking codes what now?
No problem. Simply log into the members section of Niche Wealth and click on the "Linking Codes" Button and your codes will instantly be generated with your personal tracking code in place.
What if I forget my user name or password?
All you have to do is click on the members button and then tell us about your problem by clicking the Our Support Team link at the bottom of the page. We are always ready to answer any of the questions our webmasters may have.
Do I have to sign up more than once to promote multiple sites?
Nope! Once you have signed up once you can promote as many different Niche Wealth sites on as many of your sites as you wish!
What is the deal with the free content?
You can use all the free content you want. It is located in the members section in the "Free Content" section. You may ONLY promote Niche Wealth sites with this free content.
Any rules on how I can send traffic to the sites?
All that we ask is that you do not use any SPAM techniques to drive visitors to our sites. This will NOT be tolerated and any one found in violation of this rule will be terminated form our program. Any mail traffic must be CAN-SPAM compliant.

The use of double opt in mailing lists is acceptable.

Advertising for NicheWealth sites on any page that includes child pornography, beastiality or any other materials found to violate our terms of service will NOT be tolerated and will result in the termination of your account.
I still have a question?
Feel free to direct any further questions to webmaster support by sending an email to
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